How Much Website Bandwidth Do You Need?

A large website, either a professional site, or a website with many locations, is not just hosting a single page. Instead it is a cluster of pages, with special requirements for each one. We analyze what this involves, and whether the risk of content degradation with the “bandwidth” provided by your web hosting provider is […]
Website Best Practices for Lower Bounce Rate

It is often in your best interest to get people into your checkout experience through an intuitive navigation. This will result in conversions, and hopefully a higher bounce rate. Understanding navigation design will help you achieve this. If you’re familiar with online navigation, the navigation menu should be presented in a way that allows the […]
4 Things All Website Owners Need to Think About

No matter how many times you have launched a website, some bug or design flaw can still slip through.Sometimes it takes a couple days, a week or even a month to notice it. Well, it’s not just about the broken code. No one likes to hear that something isn’t working right, especially since we need […]